Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breakfast, Bargains and Boys

I hate blogs. I have always wondered who has time to sit around and read about what other people are doing? There is work to be done for Pete's sake. Why would the blog world think people care about what they had for breakfast, or the latest bargain they found or God-forbid. . . posting pictures of their children on the internet? My husband and I share this opinion. We would often scoff at bloggers. How silly they are. How full of themselves!

So now I am blogging. Isn't that funny?

You know what my biggest fear about writing a blog is? Good ole fashioned fear of man. Dadgummit it gets me every time. I guess I am afraid that someone will read something that I have written and think, "What a moron." Or question my salvation. Or stop bringing their children to church. I am afraid that I will go back and read something and be mortified that I actually put my thoughts into word form for the world to see. And now it makes no sense.

But I am saying "Stick It" to my fear.

Because maybe something I write someday will be a blessing to someone. Maybe someone will read something I have written and think, "I guess I am not so messed up after all. . . look at her!" Maybe God's power will be made perfect in my weakness.

Just for the record. . .

I had half grape-nuts/half granola for breakfast with blessed raw milk. The last bargain I found was a great pair of pink pants that were free. And here is a picture of my sweet boys. . .


Nancy said...

You have no need to worry! Breakfast, bargains, and boys are blessings. Gifts. It is good and right to recognize that!

Melissa said...

RAW milk??? I read someone elses blog and they said they drank raw milk, too. Whats up with that?? RAW?? I think we read so we feal normal. I had peanut butter cereal fyi. :-)

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

i love me some good alliteration. breakfast, bargains, and boys....good stuff.

i for one find your blog super entertaining- your the total package:). spiritual, funny, real, and adorable. that's what i look for when i'm looking for blogs to "date".

so far i've not eaten breakfast but it will probably be liquid.

and if you got pink pants for free, you've got skilzzzzz.